I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Friday, 24 November 2017
Saint Rose of Lima
WALT: create a timeline for a saint of your choice. This is my timeline about Saint Rose of Lima. I have a link for extra information. I found deciding what information to include difficult. Next time I will get more important time events.
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
A hot mess
We read a book which had a great lesson behind it: be your self. From there we went off and wrote stories that have lessons behind them. This story is about a cheating dragon. I hope you enjoy. I found coming up with rhymes tricky ( even when I used rhyme zone). I found creating the story very fun.
Once upon a time there lived a dragon named bob.
Poor Bob must complete a very difficult test if he ever wants to get a job!
The test was in only two days time and Bob had not studied. What would he do…
Bob was confused, his mind was crowded and muddied. Poor Bob was almost out of ideas but then it happened… He knew.
His plan was to cheat off some unlucky other dragon. He chose some poor, ill lucked soul, for he knew it must happen.
The day of the test rolled around fast as a jet, it was time for him to conquer his future's biggest threat… He sat at his desk and the teacher came around, she handed out the paper with the test side face down. It was Bob’s time to be a ninja, to to be sneaky for his job chance must not injure.
They started the test and he looked to his side, then he started copying answers line by line. After what felt like one heck of a time, Bobs test was complete and he got away with his crime. Or so he thought…
His teacher came up to Bob the next day and said “ I am sorry Bob, you have failed your test, It wasn’t enough but I am sure you did your best”. At that moment Bob knew his plan had backfired, his test was stuffed up and his anger was fired. He knew he must retake the test using his talent, for his entire future hung in the balance.
With a swoosh of his wings he was off to study, for he could not let his future get muddy ( again). He started reading with a new found persistence, he was he was going to make his cheating once again, non existent.
He was handed his test and for the first time he did his best. The next day his teach Ms Fire said “Well done Bob! In this test you scored much higher!” This was the proudest moment of Bob’s life! Finally he has a reward for his strife ( with the books, when he got mad he blew fire on them).
Bob has learnt his lesson, he will never cheat again! Or will he...
Friday, 10 November 2017
What will happen to...
This week we have been learning about the final coming. This is my dlo about what will happen to certain types of people when the final day of judgement comes. I enjoyed reading the scriptures. I found wording my answers difficult.
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Explore and use a scale to work out distances on a map. This is my dlo about scales. I found working out which information was important difficult. I enjoyed finally seeing my dlo come together. I was very short on time so I didn't use a map.
The naughty kitten.
This week we have been practising using the correct punctuation. This is my story about a very naughty kitten. I hope you enjoy. I liked experimenting with different words and punctuation. I found getting things to rhyme and stay on topic difficult. Next time I would add more emotive language to let people know what Mia is feeling.
Let me tell the story of the little kitten Maya, or more important, the fact she’s a liar!
Maya was cruel to all her kitten friends, she blamed them for crimes, never making amends.
One day little Maya was hunting for trouble; she set fire to a cloth and it soon became rubble.
Her sister Mia was a good feline, but she was the one blamed for all Maya’s crimes.
A vase hit the floor “ it was Mia” she cried, as punishment for Mia she was locked out for the night.
Maya spotted a big bag of cat food, only one thing for certain would change her mood… the moment she scratched the bag and the cat food poured out, she was busted, taken and then locked out.
Her crimes caught up to her, she was cold and wide eyed, watching Mia sleeping peacefully, all cozy inside.
She decided to change her ways, then Maya became good for the rest of her days.
Everything was good and the cats lives happily ever after, until Maya played a prank which did not end in laughter...
Thursday, 2 November 2017
The ship
WALT: write descriptively using a range of language features. This weeks writing required heaps of planning we started with an image that we chose from a slideshow and came up with a way to pain its picture. I enjoyed using all these language features. I found not over repeating my ideas difficult.
The icy wind rushed in from the sea; leaving the taste of salt in your mouth and filling your lungs with cold sea air. The ocean was hungry, slowly eating at the rotten wood of the ship. A thousand glowing eyes stared at you, empty and emotionless. The tattered sails flapped wildly in the heavily scented air whilst the wind bit at your face, harsher than any whip.
The air was filled with the odor of salt and rotting wood. The lanterns were the only source of heat; swaying madly in the wind, sheltering the perishing flames in their glass. The waves were like drums, crashing in a rhythm.The flames from the dying lanterns created small spheres of light, surrounded by darkness. The eyes stared on, chilling you to the bones. They felt like lost souls, trapped eternally on this dead, rotting ship.
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