Is graffiti art or just messy?
I strongly believe that graffiti is messy and a nuisance rather than art. Tagging is a way to make anything look untidy and ruined; and what for, nothing but ego. Is spray painting your name haphazardly on someone else's hard earned property really art?Graffiti is messy, annoying , destructive and costly to clean up.
Graffiti is illegal. In the eyes of the Christchurch city council graffiti is a crime which when caught can be fined up to $ 2,000. In New zealand it is illegal to damage or deface any property which is not your own. Furthermore it is illegal to perform graffiti without council consent or the owner of the property you wish to create graffiti on. For a first tagging offence, involving just a single case of tagging and with no permanent damage, you’d normally get a fine of between $100 and $200. As you commit more and more graffiti crimes the fine gets more costly. Performing graffiti is a criminal activity.
Graffiti is also extremely costly to get rid of. Since 2006 the Auckland council has spent nearly twenty million dollars on cleaning up graffiti. Graffiti cleanup is costing Christchurch ratepayers nearly $900,000 a year. All of this money is being spent on graffiti clean up rather than the things we really need and for what; people with an uncontrollable need to ruin some property with a can of paint?People volunteer to clean up graffiti but you still need something to clean it off with. Equipment costs money and the graffiti artist is not likely to help pay for or clean up the annoyance they have created.
There is really no point to tagging, just putting your name on someone else's property like you own it. Is that really necessary?Tagging is all about ego; putting your name in plain sight for all to see. People can paint on offensive words and phrases on council or private property just because they feel like it. How wrong is that? People can put themselves in serious danger to tag a hazardous area such as the top of a building. Is painting your name just for ego on something really worth risking danger and a criminal record?
In conclusion graffiti is a crime which puts people in harm’s way and can be fined up to $2000. Millions of dollars are spent cleaning up narcissistic paint when we need the money for other things such as helping New Zealand families get over the poverty line. I do admit that seeing some well painted murals makes me smile but for the most part graffiti is egoistic tagging which is 100% unnecessary.Graffiti is a waste of time, money and effort and in my opinion it needs to stop !