Thursday, 14 September 2017

My mihi

I have made a video playing a mihi game I created. I found using gamefroot very hard but once I got the hang of it I was fine


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  2. Hi Rheanna. I really like your blog post DLO becuase you have been creative on your DLO that's why I really like it.How did you made that play on your Chromebook?

    1. Hi Rheanna. I really like your blog post DLO because you have been creative on your DLO that's why I really like it. How did you make your mihi on the Chromebook can you please talk to as about it. the mihi remind me of the my mihi. Next time you should make you title amazing.

  3. Hi my name is Sage and I go to Hornby Primary School. I really liked your game and maybe one time I can play it. Your video was nice and clear. have a nice day.

    1. Hi my name is sage and I go to Hornby Primary School. I have seen your game and seen your video. I wonder how long it took you and if it was hard or easy. I hope you are really proud of yourself.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. OMG this is the best, Hi Rheanna this is one of the best Mihi EVER. Can you go on my blog and comment. Thanks. I liked that you edited it and that what made it good for me and more but Bye.

  6. Hi Rheanna I like the game you made it was very interesting and i like the scenery but what is a mihi and a pepeha.

    1. Hi Rheanna I like the game you made it was very interesting and I like the scenery but I'm not sure what a mihi is can you please tell me?

  7. Hi Rheanna, this is Aroha from hornby primary school I really loved your video about your mihi.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Rheanna, Your mihi that you created was really intresting and it has made me think that maybe I should do a mihi. It was a really good expereience for me to do some mihis. I'm thinking that maybe you should add some more writing up the top because it is looking a little plain. For an example Hey guys welcome back to my blog, today I will be showing you a game made from a gamefroot. I'm hopeing that you will like my mihi that I have made from it and so on but it was so far so good. Keep up the great work Rheanna.

  9. Hi Rheanna my name is Evelyn I am from hornby Primary School I really like how you showed us a video about my mihi. Maby next time after you say it in Maori say it in English.

  10. Hi Rheanna! My name is Risha and I am a student from Honrby Primary school. I was super duper amaze with your mihi. Next time after saying it in moari say it in English. Thank you.

  11. Hi guys, thank you so much for the comments. I found it very hard to use gamefroot but it paid off. I would love to see your blogs if you could link them for me. I hope you have learned something from my blog.

  12. Hi Rheanna, it's Mika, Mia and Abby from Yaldhurst Model School. Wow! What a unique and awesome post, I like the way how you made your mihi into a game. How did you make this because Abby was begging to play this game she was trying push the play again button. Maybe your next blog post should be about how to make a video game. Did you use an app or a website to make this?

    Kind regards, Mika, Mia and Abby over and out!

    1. Thank you for your wonderful comment.I created my mihi on gamefroot. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  13. Hi, Rheanna
    Me and My friends really like your post it was Nothing like I was expecting. It was really fun watching your mihi/game maybe you could do a english version to so people can understand.
    How did you make this game?
    What was your part of making your game? I want to know.
    If I would rate your game it would be 9/10 because you didn't really know how to say some maori things.

  14. That was soooo cool... Wooh... How did you do that? Kia ora, ko Parwin toku ingoa, ko Jedi toku ingoa, ko Nikita toku ingoa. We all enjoyed your mihi because of the way you presented it, because we have never seen anything like it! That was like over the top, this reminds us on how we had to do our mihi and you have inspired us on how we can make our mihi better. Maybe next time make your title a little more exciting. How long did it take you to make it and how hard was it to create such amazing masterpiece?

    Kind Regards,
    Parwin, Jedi and Nikita

  15. Hi Rheanna,

    We liked how the sentences came up at points of the game. Did you ever try making games on Scratch ?
    Maybe you could add why you decided to post this because people will wonder why you did it.

    Kind regards Isaac W Hunter C Ian.

    Yaldhurst Model School.

    1. Hi Isaac, thank you for you comment. Yes I have used scratch and find it fun to work with. Our teacher asked us to try gamefroot. Thanks again.

  16. kia ora

    We have came to your blog post as a group Julia, Gracie, Chloe and Mikael.
    We really like how you made your mihi in a game so it doesn't seem like a plain old mihi.

    Maybe next time you could add an english version as well because some people don't know what it means.

    We also think that the way the game is set up is great

  17. Kia ora

    I am from hornby primary school, I love your video that you made. But next time you should say it a bit louder.

    How did you made it and why did you do this.
    I hope you reply back to me

  18. Hi there, my name is Risha and I am a student from Honrby Primary. I was looking at you mihi. I wounder how you did that. Can you do a reply a tell me how you did that. I loved the start of your mihi. You could put a more fun title. Anyway that is a cool mihi. It remembered me of a game. I hope you replay BYE!!!

  19. Hi Rheanna it Shanarnia here. I am from Hornby Primary School, I love your video that you made it is wonderful. Next time you should say it a little bit louder. It reminds me of a game. I hope you reply back to me.

  20. Hi Rheanna my name is Jared.I am from hornby primary school, I like your video next time you could read louder. It remind me of the game mario.

  21. Hi Rheanna I like your post it is cool I like how you used full stops. Next time you could check capital letters. How do you make your own game? Is it hard?

  22. I really like your video you have lots of seen
    i have only got 208 seen please folow me

  23. Hi Rheanna how did you make this this is such a cool way to say your mihi.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. hi i just wanted to no how you made the awsome video

  26. Hi Rheanna i like your blog post because it was very clear and you pronounced the moari very clearly

  27. hi Rheanna
    i like your blog becaues it was clerly and good

  28. I think that is cool and helpful


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