I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, 8 December 2016
The Christmas story
This is the story of Jesus' birth. I think my next steps could be that I add more detail but I am pretty happy with this. Hope you all have a merry Christmas.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
The time before Christmas
In this DLO I tried to make it easier to understand advent. I think I did pretty well and I am proud of this slideshow. I think maybe next time I could use a different presentation app. Hope you enjoy.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Using factors to solve multiplication problems.
This week I have been learning about a new multiplication strategy. In this slideshow I will explain how to use factors to solve multiplication problems.I hope you enjoy! I think my next steps could be how I present my DLO.
Texting about the Jesse tree.
This is my other DlO on the Jesse tree topic. This one is a little less informative than my thing link but I hope you like it. It was quite tricky to get as much in the text as possible without it cutting off. Thanks for reading.
The next day at exactly the same time.
The cut off bit says " the poor of the earth".
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
The Jesse tree.
Our focus this week has been about the Jesse tree. The Jesse tree is an old fashion Christmas tree but with a different tradition. Read more to find out. I personally think I am getting better at using thing link. I hope you enjoy this interactive image and please comment below about what presentation sites I should use next time.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Gravity rules the universe... Or not.
we have been learning about gravity. This is another DLO to go with the topic. Please check out the thinglink I made as well.
So what is gravity?
As a class we have been learning about gravity and other forces related to movement. In this thing link I have explained the basics you need to know about gravity. I think my next steps would be to add more information and make the DLO a little more interesting. I hope you learn something new about gravity.
Monday, 7 November 2016
How to add decimals.
We have been learning how to add fractions. I made this slide to show what we have been learning and how to add fractions. Please leave a comment and I hope you learn lots!
Wait, how does a game reflect learning... I guess I will just have to watch this.
We have been doing a topic of forces and motion. The class was split into pairs and told to make a marble game. Would you like to play this game ? Leave a comment if you do!
Gravity and beyond
These are the reading activities I have been completing over this term, I think one is not completed because the teacher told us not to do it. I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment.
The art of... well art
We have been making individual inquires about a topic of our choice, I chose art because that is one of my interests. Please leave a comment if you enjoyed the slideshow!
Thursday, 27 October 2016
How wolves changed the rivers.
When wolves were reintroduced to yellow stone park in 1995 some incredible things happened!
Reflection. Like a mirror? Kind of.
In this slideshow I have made a digital object on reflection. I made all my GIFs for the transformation objects on piskel. I hope you enjoy and learn heaps!
Enlargement animation.
Enlargement means to expand something but keep the angles and proportions.
What is rotation? Is it flipping an object? lets find out!
We have been creating digital objects on the four transformations, I hope you learn something!
Translation? What does that mean?
Translation means to move something.
See how the cat moves from one side of the line to the other but stays the same. That’s translation.
The object is being flipped over a centre line but it still faces the same way.
Maori word :Reti
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Ten surprising items that cannot be recycled
The thinkers keys are extra activities the teacher has made to work on while waiting for the next activity to complete. This term we have been learning about recycling and how it benefits the earth. This key I am very proud of.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
How much do you know about recycling ?
We have been learning about how recycling helps save the planet. Brielle an I made this quiz and I hope it teaches you something. I found the linking challenging because it took forever and we had to make sure they went to the correct slide. Next time I would change the colours but overall I am happy.
Monday, 5 September 2016
I think I am wearing plastic. How is this
Right now you are probably wearing plastic. How is it made into clothing?
Ever wonder what happens to the coke bottle you just threw in the recycling? Or where some or your clothes come from? The bottles go on a magical journey far far away. Not really but they do something very interesting.
The rubbish truck has just arrived to take away that bottle you just finished, you see it leave but wonder what happens to it.The bottle goes to the local recycling center where it is shredded, wrapped in cellophane and sent on a vacation to a factory in China.
Now they are in China and are sorted and removed from their lids. The bottle shreds are sorted so the coloured plastic and the clear plastic are separated. The coloured plastic is put into a bath of water to remove the bottle cap shreds. The plastic is put into another bath to get rid of the stickers but the worker need to be extremely cautious because this bath is made of a toxic soda.
Next the bottle shreds have been removed of their labels and dried out from the two baths. The plastic shreds are clearly drenched in liquid so the go into a turning drum oven to slowly dry out over about ten hours. Once the plastic is dry the workers come along with large, movable bins and collect the falling heated plastic.
Then the plastic is melted and turned into strands. The plastic from the bins are transferred into a large, heated , rotating screw to combine into threads. The 270 degree mix is now running through a sieve to turn the plastic liquid into long strands. The strands are collected in another container and taken away.
The plastic is taken from the containers and woven together. The plastic strands are combined and stretched several times until the fibres are combined and strong. The plastic matter is shredded again and the fluff that emerges is taken to another factory.
Now the Fluff is carded, spun and woven. In this factory the fluff is carded together to get the fibres running in a similar direction. The plastic web is put into a container and teased out and spun on some spinning bobbins. The strands collected on the bobbin are put through a mechanical loom to weave the fibres together and create fabric.
The next step is to put the fabric into a delicate machine that creates tiny loops on the surface of the material. The looped fabric is put through another machine, however this is the complete opposite purpose.This machine puts the fabric through a rough steel brush to pull and cut the loops. This is so the fabric has a soft, furry feeling.
Designers draw templates and cut shapes out of the material and send it to the sewers to become the most trendy new clothes. The sewers sew together the pieces to make cloths. At this time they also put designs on them and change their colours.
You stare at your fave hoodie made from polyester and think…’ Am I wearing coke bottles?
So the bottles have been shredded, melted, spun, woven, cut and sewed and now they are clothes. Isn't that amazing how we can do that?’
Thanks for reading. I found the planning stage rather challenging because it took me forever. Next time I would change how I worded the explanation but over all I am very happy with it. I think my next steps are to add more detail and work on the images.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Square or Rhombus ? Lets see !
We have been learning to identify the attributes of Quadrilaterals. Sorry I wanted to do a screen castify but it wasn't working. I found making the shapes enjoyable but very time consuming.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Nets and 3D shapes
This week we have been learning to create nets for a Octahedron and a Dodecahedron . I made the three D shapes myself and made the nets with drawings.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Monday, 22 August 2016
Thursday, 18 August 2016
The Green Island biker
The Green Island biker
In green island, on the second of september they are having their annual southern spring bike race. Daniel is leading at the moment, the others not far behind him. His heart is racing as the crowds roar in encouragement. Three other bikers are coming up behind him, about ten meters away. Bright banners and posters flash in his eyes as he passes the Fresh Choice to the left of him. The crowds are getting louder and louder. Daniel pedals as fast as he can and the other racers are long lost to his vision. Daniel is getting closer to the end, the finish line about 100 metres away.
Almost past Couplands the crowds jump and jive as their suburban bike champion is nearing victory. Daniel is overcome with excitement and determination as the finish line is getting closer and closer. Suddenly the St. Clair and Balclutha bikers are coming up behind Him .
Daniels wheels start to wobble as he wonders if this race is worth it, his legs screaming in pain and his hands so stiff you could put a full jar of water on them and it wouldn't spill. The smell of burning rubber is present as he breaks around the corner and into taieri, the finish line must have been an illusion. Or not. Almost there, so close. Daniels head thumps and his mind escapes him.
The finish line is an arms reach away, so close… He won! Bursts of excitement flow through him, the first time green island has won !!!
This week we have been working on descriptive writing. I also enjoyed this project. Please comment bellow and tell me what you think
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Reflex?Obtuse? How can I tell one angle from another?
In this learning object we have been learning to identify angles. I have enjoyed working on this and hope you enjoy reading it. Please comment bellow and tell me how many times it took you to get the answer right on the mini test. Be honest!
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Do you want to go to Rio ?
Work life getting you down? Are you tired, bored? Need a get away ? well great news flights to rio on sale now! Plus all day tours 25% off. Want to go on a walk, see a lagoon and have a coffee break at an open air cafe, Lagoa neighbourhood is the place for you.
Are you more of a football lover, check out the maracana stadium or maybe take a trip to Tijuca national park and experience being in the presence of wildlife and check out the cascatina waterfall .
Feeling like some sweet mosaic steps and nightlife, come over to Lapa neighbourhood. Feel like seeing some art and old villas Santa Teresa neighbourhood is the place for you.
Need some fresh air, trees or a nice walk, see Jardim Botanico, it even has a japanese garden.
Oh how about some cable cars, nice views and looking over the Guanabara bay. Perhaps some beach life, does bars, cafes, art galleries and soft white sand sound good, yeah then come to Ipanema beach!
And best of all , all tours to see christ the redeemer are 25 % off, yep 25 % off.
Head online now to secure your getaway. But get them quick, they will not last long!!!!.
Which one do you choose ?
We have been learning to find information from a variety of sources.
Friday, 8 July 2016
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Monday, 27 June 2016
Do you want to step into a game show hosts shoes?
Thursday, 23 June 2016
week 8 writing
The island

One day, with the money that flamingo stole from a dairy, ( she is really into armed robbery, just putting it out there), she bought a boat.
This boat is the biggest most clean and perfect boat you have ever seen. The curtains are all of a vibrant red, the carpet a dark grey and the walls a clean white. All over the place there are expensive paintings and decor. The furniture is all a perfect shade of white, not a spec to be seen.
Flamingo left in the boat a.s.a.p to avoid hitting the slammers. Her brain is spinning at a hundreds of miles a second, suddenly she dozes off…
As fast as a fast plane a loud crash and bits of wood come flying everywhere, flamingo soon realises that she has been ship wrecked.
She wakes up with her whole body drenched and rained with sand, lying face down on the beach.
Sooner or later she gets up and starts walking .
With in about an hour she has gathered wood and leaves and is starting to make a shelter. First she starts by clearing vegetation from under and between four large trees. Next she winds and braids some vines to make a rope. After that she joins four herculean sized leaves together .She throws another rope over a high branch to start a tree top shelter. Something is in the bush over there, rustling , rushing , running. She flys out of the way and is safe from danger. Once the scene is all clear she gets back to work.
The next step is to make the walls and floor, but flamingo has another idea, so she weaves together the four leaves and ties the top with a rope. This is now like a bee hive. She pulls the other side of the rope and the leaf bee hive is now airborne. That was as easy as making a paper card. Now it is time for the interior… She finds another big leaf and hooks either side to the top of the hive( let’s just call it a hive). Now she has a hammock. Flamingo cuts a door so she can get in and out. The shelter is done now she needs something to defend herself. she finds a large stick and sharpens the top, done. Time to eat. Flamingo grabs the sharp stick or spear and goes to the beach to get some fish. Once her eyes are fixed on one she sends the spear flying towards it. Dinner time!!!. She cooks it using a fire. Once she has refilled her stomach she gets some sleep…
About two months later the sneaky flamingo has built an amazing shelter and has turned the island into a natural mansion. She lives happily ever after.She is as much a part of this island as it is of her, she is not moving any time soon. Flamingo has changed, instead of being a sneaky trouble make she is now a new person.
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
week seven reading ( charlie and the chocolate factory )
Charlie’s Mum’s diary
Dear diary
Tuesday 3d of March
I am feeling really bad, I am unable to provide for Charlie, my darling boy. I have tried to slip my piece of bread under the table but he refuses to take it. It is starting to get into spring, we are getting less hungary. I will talk later, got to make the cabbage soup.
Wednesday 4th of march
Dear diary
Things are getting tougher, Charlie is now 9 and almost always hungry. There is not enough food here. He has started to walk to school ten minutes earlier to prevent having to run and waste energy. I know this isn’t fair, to do this to a growing boy, but we have no choice. I have nothing else to talk about. Good bye. Got to make the cabbage soup.
The task… Write a diary entry for two consecutive days for one of the characters in the book.
Please let me know if I have achieved this!
Dear diary
Tuesday 3d of March
I am feeling really bad, I am unable to provide for Charlie, my darling boy. I have tried to slip my piece of bread under the table but he refuses to take it. It is starting to get into spring, we are getting less hungary. I will talk later, got to make the cabbage soup.
Wednesday 4th of march
Dear diary
Things are getting tougher, Charlie is now 9 and almost always hungry. There is not enough food here. He has started to walk to school ten minutes earlier to prevent having to run and waste energy. I know this isn’t fair, to do this to a growing boy, but we have no choice. I have nothing else to talk about. Good bye. Got to make the cabbage soup.
The task… Write a diary entry for two consecutive days for one of the characters in the book.
Please let me know if I have achieved this!
Thursday, 9 June 2016
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Music while working debate ( w4writing )
Music while working debate
In my opinion, listening to music while working helps student’s study.
I think that music helps us study and by the end of this text I hope you do too.
My first reason it helps us learn is because it calms you down and gets you more comfortable while working. The reason why I think this is because you can choose what song can help you calm down and get learning.
Music helps me because when I am at home and doing my work I normally listen to music because it blocks out other noises such as siblings and their friends.Music also helps me work because I can concentrate and music is like a treat for when I am working.
I believe that music can help room 6 to get our work done because they can block out distracting noises .
Other people also think that it helps because it makes them want to do their work if they can listen to music while working.
It does depend on the person weather music will help them work or not but I am all for it !
It also depends on the music towards the person if music will help people study but some makes you go ARGH TURN IT OFF !!!!!!!.
Therefore I believe that the students of room 6 should be able to listen to music while working if they please!.
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Friday, 6 May 2016
personal qualities
Personal qualities
- Creative: I like to be exciting and artistic when it comes to most things.
- Ambitious: I follow what I want and drive to achieve.
- Enthusiastic: I am very enthusiastic when it comes to my interests.
- Loyal : I stay by my close friends.
- Determined : I strive to my dreams and shall not be shaken .
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
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