The island

One day, with the money that flamingo stole from a dairy, ( she is really into armed robbery, just putting it out there), she bought a boat.
This boat is the biggest most clean and perfect boat you have ever seen. The curtains are all of a vibrant red, the carpet a dark grey and the walls a clean white. All over the place there are expensive paintings and decor. The furniture is all a perfect shade of white, not a spec to be seen.
Flamingo left in the boat a.s.a.p to avoid hitting the slammers. Her brain is spinning at a hundreds of miles a second, suddenly she dozes off…
As fast as a fast plane a loud crash and bits of wood come flying everywhere, flamingo soon realises that she has been ship wrecked.
She wakes up with her whole body drenched and rained with sand, lying face down on the beach.
Sooner or later she gets up and starts walking .
With in about an hour she has gathered wood and leaves and is starting to make a shelter. First she starts by clearing vegetation from under and between four large trees. Next she winds and braids some vines to make a rope. After that she joins four herculean sized leaves together .She throws another rope over a high branch to start a tree top shelter. Something is in the bush over there, rustling , rushing , running. She flys out of the way and is safe from danger. Once the scene is all clear she gets back to work.
The next step is to make the walls and floor, but flamingo has another idea, so she weaves together the four leaves and ties the top with a rope. This is now like a bee hive. She pulls the other side of the rope and the leaf bee hive is now airborne. That was as easy as making a paper card. Now it is time for the interior… She finds another big leaf and hooks either side to the top of the hive( let’s just call it a hive). Now she has a hammock. Flamingo cuts a door so she can get in and out. The shelter is done now she needs something to defend herself. she finds a large stick and sharpens the top, done. Time to eat. Flamingo grabs the sharp stick or spear and goes to the beach to get some fish. Once her eyes are fixed on one she sends the spear flying towards it. Dinner time!!!. She cooks it using a fire. Once she has refilled her stomach she gets some sleep…
About two months later the sneaky flamingo has built an amazing shelter and has turned the island into a natural mansion. She lives happily ever after.She is as much a part of this island as it is of her, she is not moving any time soon. Flamingo has changed, instead of being a sneaky trouble make she is now a new person.
Hi Rheanna, I enjoyed reading your story and thought it was really interesting. I really like the first paragraph, I thought it was a great description. Next time I think you could try to stay in the same tense.