Tuesday 21 November 2017

A hot mess

We read a book which had a great lesson behind it: be your self. From there we went off and wrote stories that have lessons behind them. This story is about a cheating dragon. I hope you enjoy. I found coming up with rhymes tricky ( even when I used rhyme zone). I found creating the story very fun.

Once upon a time there lived a dragon named bob.
Poor Bob must complete a very difficult test if he ever wants to get a job!

The test was in only two days time and Bob had not studied. What would he do…
Bob was confused, his mind was crowded and muddied. Poor Bob was almost out of ideas but then it happened… He knew.

His plan was to cheat off some unlucky other dragon. He chose some poor, ill lucked soul, for he knew it must happen.

The day of the test rolled around fast as a jet, it was time for him to conquer his future's biggest threat… He sat at his desk and the teacher came around, she handed out the paper with the test side face down. It was Bob’s time  to be a ninja, to to be sneaky for his job chance must not injure.

They started the test and he looked to his side, then he started copying answers line by line. After what felt like one heck of a time, Bobs test was complete and he got away with his crime. Or so he thought…

His teacher came up to Bob the next day and said “ I am sorry Bob, you have failed your test, It wasn’t enough but I am sure you did your best”. At that moment Bob knew his plan had backfired, his test was stuffed up and his anger was fired. He knew he must retake the test using his talent, for his entire future hung in the balance.

With a swoosh of his wings he was off to study, for he could not let his future get muddy ( again). He started reading with a new found persistence, he was he was going to make his cheating once again, non existent.

He was handed his test and for the first time he did his best. The next day his teach Ms Fire said “Well done Bob! In this test you scored much higher!” This was the proudest moment of Bob’s life! Finally he has a reward for his strife ( with the books, when he got mad he blew fire on them).

Bob has learnt his lesson, he will never cheat again! Or will he...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rheanna,

    This is Jade C from the Summer Learning Journey blogging team 2017-2018. I will be blogging with you this summer! I hope you are having a wonderful time with your friends and your family!

    This is a wonderful story written based on the moral lesson you have learnt from another story! I hope the dragon learnt his lesson and never cheats again! Cheating is bad and trying your best even though you are not confident makes your heart more lighter than cheating! I'd like to read more of your writings!

    I would love to blog with you! To help you get started with blogging this summer, I have included the link to our Summer Learning Journey activities list.


    Let's go on the Summer Learning Journey together!

    All the best,

    Jade C.


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