I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Friday, 24 November 2017
Saint Rose of Lima
WALT: create a timeline for a saint of your choice. This is my timeline about Saint Rose of Lima. I have a link for extra information. I found deciding what information to include difficult. Next time I will get more important time events.
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
A hot mess
We read a book which had a great lesson behind it: be your self. From there we went off and wrote stories that have lessons behind them. This story is about a cheating dragon. I hope you enjoy. I found coming up with rhymes tricky ( even when I used rhyme zone). I found creating the story very fun.
Once upon a time there lived a dragon named bob.
Poor Bob must complete a very difficult test if he ever wants to get a job!
The test was in only two days time and Bob had not studied. What would he do…
Bob was confused, his mind was crowded and muddied. Poor Bob was almost out of ideas but then it happened… He knew.
His plan was to cheat off some unlucky other dragon. He chose some poor, ill lucked soul, for he knew it must happen.
The day of the test rolled around fast as a jet, it was time for him to conquer his future's biggest threat… He sat at his desk and the teacher came around, she handed out the paper with the test side face down. It was Bob’s time to be a ninja, to to be sneaky for his job chance must not injure.
They started the test and he looked to his side, then he started copying answers line by line. After what felt like one heck of a time, Bobs test was complete and he got away with his crime. Or so he thought…
His teacher came up to Bob the next day and said “ I am sorry Bob, you have failed your test, It wasn’t enough but I am sure you did your best”. At that moment Bob knew his plan had backfired, his test was stuffed up and his anger was fired. He knew he must retake the test using his talent, for his entire future hung in the balance.
With a swoosh of his wings he was off to study, for he could not let his future get muddy ( again). He started reading with a new found persistence, he was he was going to make his cheating once again, non existent.
He was handed his test and for the first time he did his best. The next day his teach Ms Fire said “Well done Bob! In this test you scored much higher!” This was the proudest moment of Bob’s life! Finally he has a reward for his strife ( with the books, when he got mad he blew fire on them).
Bob has learnt his lesson, he will never cheat again! Or will he...
Friday, 10 November 2017
What will happen to...
This week we have been learning about the final coming. This is my dlo about what will happen to certain types of people when the final day of judgement comes. I enjoyed reading the scriptures. I found wording my answers difficult.
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Explore and use a scale to work out distances on a map. This is my dlo about scales. I found working out which information was important difficult. I enjoyed finally seeing my dlo come together. I was very short on time so I didn't use a map.
The naughty kitten.
This week we have been practising using the correct punctuation. This is my story about a very naughty kitten. I hope you enjoy. I liked experimenting with different words and punctuation. I found getting things to rhyme and stay on topic difficult. Next time I would add more emotive language to let people know what Mia is feeling.
Let me tell the story of the little kitten Maya, or more important, the fact she’s a liar!
Maya was cruel to all her kitten friends, she blamed them for crimes, never making amends.
One day little Maya was hunting for trouble; she set fire to a cloth and it soon became rubble.
Her sister Mia was a good feline, but she was the one blamed for all Maya’s crimes.
A vase hit the floor “ it was Mia” she cried, as punishment for Mia she was locked out for the night.
Maya spotted a big bag of cat food, only one thing for certain would change her mood… the moment she scratched the bag and the cat food poured out, she was busted, taken and then locked out.
Her crimes caught up to her, she was cold and wide eyed, watching Mia sleeping peacefully, all cozy inside.
She decided to change her ways, then Maya became good for the rest of her days.
Everything was good and the cats lives happily ever after, until Maya played a prank which did not end in laughter...
Thursday, 2 November 2017
The ship
WALT: write descriptively using a range of language features. This weeks writing required heaps of planning we started with an image that we chose from a slideshow and came up with a way to pain its picture. I enjoyed using all these language features. I found not over repeating my ideas difficult.
The icy wind rushed in from the sea; leaving the taste of salt in your mouth and filling your lungs with cold sea air. The ocean was hungry, slowly eating at the rotten wood of the ship. A thousand glowing eyes stared at you, empty and emotionless. The tattered sails flapped wildly in the heavily scented air whilst the wind bit at your face, harsher than any whip.
The air was filled with the odor of salt and rotting wood. The lanterns were the only source of heat; swaying madly in the wind, sheltering the perishing flames in their glass. The waves were like drums, crashing in a rhythm.The flames from the dying lanterns created small spheres of light, surrounded by darkness. The eyes stared on, chilling you to the bones. They felt like lost souls, trapped eternally on this dead, rotting ship.
Friday, 27 October 2017
Hatupatu and the bird woman
This week in a pair we read Hatupatu and the bird woman. We were then asked to make six pictures to tell the story. I worked with Eden on this task. Here is our story. Next time we would work together on the characters. I made picture 1,3,and 5. Here is Eden's blog.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Imagine the scripture setting
WALT: Describe one method for meditation on the scriptures.We were given the task of making a drawing to illustrate one way to meditate on a scripture. I found making the pictures interesting. Next time I would choose a different method.
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Jesus Praying
WALT: Identify places and times Jesus is recorded praying in the gospels.This is my scratch about Jesus praying. It is too loud and he needs to pray to he finds some where quiet. Next time I would add more to the scratch to make it more interesting.
I will mark my land!
In this slideshow I will teach you about pouwhenua. I really enjoyed researching what certain symbols mean and how they are used. Next time I would make more images. I found deciding what fact goes where difficult.
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
WALT: Identify what taonga is. Identify resources that are taonga in Aotearoa . This is the dlo I made on prezi about taonga. It includes information about pounamu, eels and more. I hope you learn something new. I found reading about taonga very interesting. I found putting the information in my own words with no quotes difficult. Next time I would try and use another presentation app.
Life on the shelf.
This week our class have been writing stories which are set in past tense. My story is about a book on a shelf. I hope you enjoy. I found it fun to imagine what it would be like living as a book. Next time I would use more emotive language.
Life on the shelf
Planning Password : Room6
Day one :
I sat on the shelf looking out into the living room. I was lonely and unread. Outside the old wooden windowsill a bird sang it's early morning hymn. Then I heard the footsteps; loud, heavy and coming in my direction. Would this be the day I was finally read. Kelly stopped in front of me and ran her finger across the books on the shelf below me. After what felt like a lifetime she pulled a book from the shelf. My dreams were crushed. The kettle was boiled in the kitchen and Kelly sat down on the sofa with the other book and started reading. That night I sat, sad and lonely.
Day two:
The next morning the kettle was brewed. The sound of the boiling water competed with the bird's song. The tv was turned on and all books felt the sadness the glowing intruder has brought upon us. The other book was barely lifted and my hopes of being read were throttled. We all felt sad and lonely that night.
Day three:
The morning cup of coffee was brewed and Kelly started searching for a new book. Then the most amazing thing happened. As her eyes ran across my shelf her finger landed on me. I was pulled out from my old seat and put on the coffee table. The feeling of joy spread through my pages like water; blissfully warm water which left you ecstatic ( Not real water or my pages would be ruined). I was picked up and my first page was read. By the time it was dinner time I was a quarter read. That night I was left on the coffee table, beside myself with joy.
Day four:
The bird’s song filled the air as rays of early morning sun flooded across the throw, couch and table and on to me. Then it happened. The the glowing tv was switched on and I was forgotten. Would I share the same fate as the book before me; forgotten and changed out for some new book with a nicer cover. I managed to convince myself that I may never be read again. After an hour full of anxiety I was finally picked up. It was mid afternoon and I was put down, fully read. That night Kelly had guests over. They all made lots of noise. Whilst the people were in the kitchen I wondered if I would ever be read again. Then I heard it. “ I have just finished a book and I think you will like it” Kelly said. “ Ok where is it?” another voice answered. Kelly cam into the living room and picked me up. I was taken to the kitchen and but in a bag. “ Can I read it after You?” “ then me”. It was at that moment I realized I had many keen humans who wanted to read the words on my pages. I felt I was on shelf nine.
Friday, 29 September 2017
ART dance
Trinity, Amber and I have created a dance for our gymnastics PE topic. There was many perils we needed to over come. Originally we had four people dancing but now we have two. Please do not judge our dancing skills. I enjoyed making the backgrounds. I found re- adapting the dance to suite the amount of dancers hard.
Monday, 25 September 2017
Home alone.
WALT..Use appropriate language features for a pick a path story. This is a pick a path story I made on scratch. Please follow the questions exactly and if they do not work try again. I found sharing my code very difficult.. I really enjoyed seeing my code all put together. Next time I would animate the story.
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Child poverty in New zeland.
Throughout term three our class have been learning about social justice. I have chosen to learn about child poverty in New Zealand as my example of where children rights may not be met. I found it very eye opening to see the statistics of child poverty in New Zealand. I found getting new information hard. Next time I would use something more exiting to present my work. I tried to edit the correct spelling of New Zealand but it didn't work.
Monday, 18 September 2017
Alone in a sea of people.
WALT: identify people in our community who may be isolated. I enjoyed identifying people and imagining situations about how they are lonely. Next time I would add more depth.
Thursday, 14 September 2017
My mihi
I have made a video playing a mihi game I created. I found using gamefroot very hard but once I got the hang of it I was fine
Thursday, 7 September 2017
Turn up the volume! Wait a second...
WALT: calculate the volume of cuboids. I found it very interesting learning about how to measure the volume of cuboids. I found working out how to explain it hard. Next time I would add more questions.
The church.
WALT: Identify how the church is one, holy catholic and apostolic . This is my image to show that the church is both human and divine. I found deciding what I was going to make hard.Next time I would add more colour.
Thursday, 31 August 2017
Rid New Zealand of graffiti
This week we were given a question. Is graffiti art or just messy? I was conflicted but I chose the fact that graffiti is a nuisance. I also created graffiti themed art in my book. I hope by the end of reading my argument you have been persuaded. I enjoyed learning about how much it costs to clean up graffiti and laws around it. Next time I would use the word 'ego' less.
Is graffiti art or just messy?
I strongly believe that graffiti is messy and a nuisance rather than art. Tagging is a way to make anything look untidy and ruined; and what for, nothing but ego. Is spray painting your name haphazardly on someone else's hard earned property really art?Graffiti is messy, annoying , destructive and costly to clean up.
Graffiti is illegal. In the eyes of the Christchurch city council graffiti is a crime which when caught can be fined up to $ 2,000. In New zealand it is illegal to damage or deface any property which is not your own. Furthermore it is illegal to perform graffiti without council consent or the owner of the property you wish to create graffiti on. For a first tagging offence, involving just a single case of tagging and with no permanent damage, you’d normally get a fine of between $100 and $200. As you commit more and more graffiti crimes the fine gets more costly. Performing graffiti is a criminal activity.
Graffiti is also extremely costly to get rid of. Since 2006 the Auckland council has spent nearly twenty million dollars on cleaning up graffiti. Graffiti cleanup is costing Christchurch ratepayers nearly $900,000 a year. All of this money is being spent on graffiti clean up rather than the things we really need and for what; people with an uncontrollable need to ruin some property with a can of paint?People volunteer to clean up graffiti but you still need something to clean it off with. Equipment costs money and the graffiti artist is not likely to help pay for or clean up the annoyance they have created.
There is really no point to tagging, just putting your name on someone else's property like you own it. Is that really necessary?Tagging is all about ego; putting your name in plain sight for all to see. People can paint on offensive words and phrases on council or private property just because they feel like it. How wrong is that? People can put themselves in serious danger to tag a hazardous area such as the top of a building. Is painting your name just for ego on something really worth risking danger and a criminal record?
In conclusion graffiti is a crime which puts people in harm’s way and can be fined up to $2000. Millions of dollars are spent cleaning up narcissistic paint when we need the money for other things such as helping New Zealand families get over the poverty line. I do admit that seeing some well painted murals makes me smile but for the most part graffiti is egoistic tagging which is 100% unnecessary.Graffiti is a waste of time, money and effort and in my opinion it needs to stop !
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Circle art.
WALT: create a picture using a compass. This is my complex circle art I made with a compass. I really enjoyed creating this art. Next time I would add more colour.
The Church
WALT: Identify what it means to be a disciple of Jesus including a life long relationship with him, living according to his values and worshiping God. Our task was to fill in the appropriate words in the spaces in this paragraph. We used words from the word bank along with our prior knowledge to complete this task.
Thursday, 24 August 2017
Journey to God
WALT: Use and art media of your choice to create an artwork showing the Pilgrim Church enjoying the fullness of God’s Kingdom. Here is my art of people on a journey to holiness. I am proud of my work and hope you like it. It is supposed to mean that people have read the bible and the great things Jesus did and wanted to become holy.
Our freedom
WALT: use words and pictures to convey our thoughts. As a part of our social justice topic we created an image with a quote to go with it. I am happy with my images seeming I made them on google drawings rather than sumo paint.
Thursday, 17 August 2017
WALT: Identify parts of a circle. I enjoyed working with a compass and learning about the parts of a circle. Next time I would draw the circle using pen and paper and upload it on my slideshow.
Thursday, 3 August 2017
The ride around hornby
We have been working on recounts in our class so we can prepare for the eastle test. We have been learning about how to add more interesting words and ideas. My next steps would be to use more advanced punctuation.
On the first Sunday of the holidays my friends and I went on a bike ride. We spent four hours on our bikes and travelled all around hornby for fun.
First I called Annabelle and organised to meet her at about one o'clock to start the bike ride. Once Annabelle and I met up we went to pick up Sione.
After about five minutes of biking we got to Sione’s house where we planned to pick up him and Mathan. Sione’s Dad told us they were not there and we left. I got a little bit annoyed because we planned this prior to the event. Annabelle and I hung around the corner to see if they were coming but there was no sign of them. However we did see Neil whom we mistook for Marcus. Once we figured out his true identity Annabelle started screaming at him.
We then left to get Nathan. Once we got to Nathan’s house it took him ages to open the door. Annabelle was the one who knocked and I stayed out by the bikes in case it was the wrong house. Finally he got out his scooter and decided to come with us.
With Nathan we then went to see if Sione and Mathan were home. On waterloo corner I got a phone call from Madison who said she couldn’t come because she was out. Sione and Mathan were still not home however we did get directions to Mathan’s house to see if they were there.
We made the journey back to the other side of hornby. Despite our efforts they were nowhere to be seen. We started to get annoyed because we couldn’t find Sione and Mathan anywhere.
After yet another unsuccessful search we decided to go to wycolla park. We stayed there for about an hour just talking and hanging out.
We then went out of wycolla park to go home when Mathan and Sione pulled up in their car. “ where the heck were you “ we asked. “ Around the place” they replied. Then they got out of the car and joined us. Soon after Steffan pulled out of wycolla park on his bike followed by Nicolas and Chloe. Mathan then went to the dairy to buy lollies and a soft drink. Everyone showed up after far too long in their absence. Well, at least they showed up.
After the reunion we went to the bmx track where we met our next obstacle… Labron and two of his friends followed us there and started picking on us so we moved to another part of the track. Mathan started rolling the soft drink down the track and watching it fizz up. By the time we had spent ten minutes at the track the bottle was frothy and full of dirt. We all got a go at bringing destruction towards the poor bottle.
Labron threatened to steal our bikes because we wouldn’t let him ride them. When we were by the first turn of the track smashing the fizzy bottle when Labron picked up my bike and started riding it. We all yelled at him and he threw it on the dirt.
I then picked up my bike and we decided to leave before things got any worse. We retreated to wycolla park where I checked my phone for the time and needed to get home. I had a quick look for Annabelle but couldn’t find her so I rode home by myself.
After the bike ride I was very tired but glad I went. We had so much fun and managed to completely destroy the fizzy bottle. I would definitely go on another bike ride with everyone.
Climate change
WALT..Understand that human actions affect our climate. As a class we have been working on climate change because it links in with our topic of social justice. I really enjoyed learning about climate change and global warming. There are lots of things you will find interesting. I found deciding how to format the information hard. My next steps would be to include more things we can do to help stop climate change.
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
The shield of the trinity.
This week we have chosen an image that relates to the trinity. I chose the shield of the trinity. Here is a thinglink about it. I found this really interesting and I enjoyed researching the shield of the trinity.
Thursday, 6 July 2017
WALT: use our prior knowledge and the text to synthesize a new idea. We have been working on a matariki animation for three weeks now and are so glad it is done. We worked really hard so I hope you enjoy. Next time I would encourage my buddy to share the work more evenly because I felt I did almost all of the work. I found it really enjoyable to create the characters.
Walt: Identify the conditions needed for mould growth. I worked with Trinity on this project and we had lots of fun and learnt heaps. My shoes mould is probably the worst. Next time we would use a different app to create the dlo. Here is Trinity's blog so please have a look.
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
working form.
WALT: multiply multi-digit whole numbers.I enjoyed making this dlo because I think it could help someone learn how to use working form. I first found working form really hard and was the only person in my group who couldn't do it. Next time I would explain it better.
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
Preserving food.
WALT… Identify that preserving removes one or more of the conditions that fungi and bacteria need for growth.
I found this activity very interesting and enjoyed learning about older preserving techniques. Next time I would include more techniques of preserving food.Monday, 3 July 2017
Importance of creation
WALT: recognise God is greater than anything created.We have been asked to make a collage of things God created which are important to us. No surprise most of mine is food. I found this super easy because it is based on my personality. Next time I would put it together better so it looks good.
Monday, 26 June 2017
Robot square
Last week we were learning about co-ordinates by creating a square. I am very happy with my work and am so glad I am done! Next time I would make it look better. I found hard having to change the size of the square at the last minute. Remember to press the play button rather than the next slide button .
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
Show not tell.
W.A.L.T use show not tell in our writing to describe a moment in time. We were all given the same picture of a man covered in mud to base our stories off of. We were asked to create a moment in time describing what was going on. We also made a back story to draw emotions from. I am very happy with my work and hope you enjoy reading it. I found the fact that I had to write it over and over again difficult and my next steps would be to not use the same work in two consecutive sentences.
The man
The wind roars outside, the man stumbles into the old barn and collapses with exhaustion. His limbs become paralyzed with fear as the footsteps get louder. His heart leaps into his throat as he holds his breath. He was so exhausted and fatigued he couldn’t move a single finger. The dirt and mud which has gathered on his cloths weighs him down, no chance of escape. But why would he want to escape? He was innocent.
The people came closer, boots marching in unison. All the man could see was black uniforms and guns. The air was full of the sound of men shouting commands, overpowering all other noise. Any light which had shone upon his was blocked out by the dark figures edging towards him. The strong rays coming out of the torch at the back of the room glistens and dances on the silver rifles. Why were they after him? He didn’t kill her!
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Suzanne Collins
W.A.L.T identify and evaluate the writer's purpose and ways which the writers use language and ideas to suit their purpose. I have been working on a biography about Suzanne Collins. She is most famous for writing the hunger games. What I found difficult was finding the information about her. I had to use the Wikipedia references. I am happy with my work though and think I did the best I could.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
B.E.D.M.A.S board game!
We have been working on games that help teach B.E.D.M.A.S. If you have seen my latest maths slides then you would know that we have been learning about B.E.D.M.A.S. I worked on this game and slideshow with Trinity. She is super cleaver and has some very interesting stuff on her blog.
Thursday, 1 June 2017
The feast of the ascension.
WALT: explain what the church celebrates on the feast of the Ascension. We made four interconnecting symbols to show what the ascension is about. I am happy with my work and believe I put lots of effort into it. Next time I would make it look neater. All my images are original, I made them on sumo paint.
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
We have been learning about mould and how it grows. I am happy with my work. Next time I would make it more colourful and try harder at animating.
Seeds of the word
WALT: Explain the meaning of the term ' seeds of the word'. Over this week we have been working on explaining the definition of seeds of the word. We were asked to write a definition and choose a symbol that represents our culture. My next steps would be to inter-prate and explain information correctly the first time.
Thursday, 25 May 2017
Replying to blog comments.
We have been learning about how to reply to blog comments. I worked with my friends Amber & Trinity. We are happy with our work and hope it teaches you how to deal with and respond to blog comments. Here Is Trinity's blog, she is really clever and posts lots of cool things. Here is Amber's blog, she also posts her great work. I would like to put these skills to the test so please give me a comment ( My last comment was all most two months ago).
We have been learning about mould and fungi. This is an explanation about the life cycle of mould and how mould is used in our day to day lives. Next time I would spend more time trying to explain difficult vocabulary. Overall I am happy with my effort.
Fungus and mould is an essential thing in our lives and there is nothing like it in the entire planet!
How does mould grow and how does it affect me? To start off you may think mould is a plant. Mould is actually a fungus ( not a plant or animal). Did you know that you encounter mould every single day and are unaware of it?
When you think of mould you most likely think of that gross stuff that grows on old sandwiches. You would be partly correct but mould is also essential to your everyday life. Some examples include milk; cows need fungus in their stomachs to digest their food and derive nutrients to make milk. Cheese; fungus is used in cheese to break down and reform milk to make it solid and give it flavor. Soda; Fungus keeps your soda bubbly and carbonated. Mushrooms are a member of the fungus family. Yeast is a fungus that eats starch and excretes gas which makes air bubbles in your bread.
Mould grows in about seven stages. When a piece of mould matures it sends out spores. Spores are like seeds for fungi and are airborne. The spores then land on something organic ( piece of bread, pile of leaves e.g). The spore sends out hypha ( hyphae in plural) a hair like tube that makes up the main mass of mould.
The hyphae penetrate the enzymes (produced by an organic thing that changes one substance to another or decomposes it) on the surface they have chosen. The spore grows more and more hyphae that intermingle together creating a net of hyphae called mycelium. Once the mycelium has grown it becomes mould. The new mould then matures ( grows up) and sends out spores. It all happens again.
Spores are microscopic sized particles that act as seeds for mould and fungi. Like a tree has seeds, spores float on breezes and wind to find a place to grow.
Bread is one of the main things mould grows on, especially white bread because it is high in sugar and starch. Most people keep their bread in somewhere cool and dark like a refrigerator. Spores are attracted to places like that. Because moulds do not contain chlorophyll ( the main cell in plants that helps it get nutrients) mould becomes very aggressive when it comes to food. That’s why one slice of bread could have millions of spores on it in the first few days.
Fungus and mould is an essential thing in our lives and there is nothing like it in the entire planet!
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Orca whales.
We have been learning about endangered animals. Each person in our class chose an animal from a list. I chose the Orca whale. I learnt whilst researching that orcas are not endangered but I didn't want to start over. I am happy with my work and hope you learn something new!
When you think of an orca whale you think of deadly predators that have no other instinct but to kill. It turns out that orca whales are some of the most graceful and civilised creatures in the animal kingdom.
Orca’s live all over the world and have one of the largest ranges for survival in the world. Male orca whales can grow up to nine point five meters long and females can grow up to eight. This incredible size makes them one of the largest predators on the planet!
Orca whale’s main diet includes seals, sea birds, turtles, octopus and squid. They are social creatures and hunt in pods (groups) like wolves. Orca’s use echolocation to hunt, whales make a sound and listen for it to bounce back and echo to determine where things are and how big they are.
Each pod has a different sound so they can identify members of their pod and members of another pod.
There are thought to be three types of whale pods, off shore, resident and transient. Transient pods migrate regularly to follow their prey. They have small pods, with 2-5 whales in each pod.Resident pods stay in one area, close to the shore. They contain both genders are have a very tight and trusting bond, a resident pod has between 10-50 whales in it. Offshore pods prefer open water. They are also very large pods, consisting of 30-60 orcas in each pod.
Orca’s tend to mate with members of other pods to avoid inbreeding which can lead to birth defects and shorter lives. It takes 17 months for a whale after mating to have a baby. Female orcas can have a baby every 3-10 years. Due to the tight bonds between members of a pod , newborn calves are well protected. Often younger females in the pod look after the calve and learn to raise young.
Presently orca whales are not endangered because they are not hunted by humans and don't face the problems other marine life do like lack of food. Pollution isn't a huge problem for orca whales either because they can easily migrate to somewhere different due to their huge amount of the ocean they can survive in.
Despite their names, orca whales are not whales they are dolphins. When sailors first saw orcas they named them ‘whale killers’ because they were feasting on whales. Over time the name was switched around through mis-understanding and to make it easier to say.
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Catholic order of events.
W.A.L.T: Recognise the ways Te Wairua Tapu (the holy spirit) prepares people to carry on the mission of the church. I enjoyed making this and it was a fast activity.
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
Monday, 15 May 2017
Under the rug
This is a story I wrote based on a picture and a story stater. We had no learning intention, that's why I didn't include one. I am happy with my work and hope you enjoy it.
Under the rug
Two weeks past, It had happened again. He thought it was a dream like the last time. A recurring nightmare but no, this was too real. Bob was reading his favorite book before this happened. Just like his nightmare. Under the Persian rug he found something was moving. It scurried all around the place, never revealing itself. Panic burned through Bob as adrenaline flowed through his veins. He picked up his chair and started stabbing it into the rug, hoping to catch the monster below. It scurried under the table, knocking it over. The lamp fell and the tablecloth was ripped to pieces by the falling glass shards that were once a lampshade. He tripped over the table legs and landed face first on the ground. Bob’s head hurt as he attempted to pick himself up. The thing under the rug rushed towards him. He rolled out of the way, grabbed the thing and exposed it. A mouse. It was a mouse this whole time. Bob started laughing as he realized that it was only a mouse terrorising him for the last few minutes. The mouse was struggling to get out of Bob’s hands whilst he was shaking with laughter. He took the mouse outside and watched it scurry into the city, never to be seen again.Wednesday, 10 May 2017
Chaos in the hospital
WALT: Explore different ways of planning. We were given random characters, settings and problems that we had to turn into a story. I am happy with my work and think that my story is suitable and entertaining for all who read it. My next steps would be to add more detail and go into more descriptive language.
Last Monday, during the world cup final an all black was rushed to the hospital because he broke his arm. In the ambulance a police officer came with him because they were best friends. Once they got to the hospital he was taken to the emergency department to get treated. The police officer waited outside the room on a big chair, hoping her friend's injury wouldn’t cost him his career.
Out of no-where a gun shot boomed through the air. The police officer grabbed her gun and started to hunt for where it came from. After clearing the top two floors she went to the cafe. Bingo. A middle aged man was holding a pistol whilst the hostages in the cafe were cowering under the tables.
The police officer hid behind the door and started to asses the situation. From her four years of training she learned that she must arrest the man with as little casualties and possible. The man ran behind the counter and started firing rapidly, as he couldn’t find the police officer. One elderly man got shot in the arm. With one precise shot she knocked the gun out of the man’s hand. Within a few, short minutes the man was arrested and the hostages were saved.
Later that day the all black and the police officer went to starbucks to get coffee and donuts in celebration. The man who got shot in the arm was treated and put in a cast to heal. The middle aged man was arrested and sent to jail for five years. The end.
Thursday, 4 May 2017
What is BEDMAS and how do you use it?
W.A.L.T understand and explain the rules for order of operations including explaining the acronym. Trinity and I have been working on this slideshow to explain how BEDMAS works. Our next steps would to be to simplify our directions. Trinity is really smart and has posted a lot of helpful things so here is her blog.
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
The mirror in the attic
This is a reading activity. The first paragraph was the story starter and I wrote the rest. I posted this because I am proud of it, even if the best paragraph is the one I didn't write.
She had found it lying alone, deserted, abandoned in the attic. After making the discovery, Anna had gazed and marvelled at it for some time. Where had it come from? Why had no dust settled upon it, as it had done over everything else that resided in her attic? A layer of the thick dust blanketed the attic floor, and as the sunlight glared through the attic windows, the dust particles yet to settle were illuminated as they hovered in the stuffy air. Yet, the mirror looked flawless, untouched by age, not a fingerprint in sight.
Anna propped the mirror up against one of the thick, timber beams that jutted from the attic floor. Settling down into a comfortable position, she tentatively placed a finger against the glass…
The glass starts to ripple as her reflection starts to transform. The reflection then spirals, creating an abstract image. It take a moment to figure it out but then Anna realises it. She sees it all the time. It is how she portrays herself. Her figure has been disrupted with moving, bullying, trust issues and lack of confidence. All the things she has been through have left their mark. Tears gather in her eyes and run down her cheek, leaving a red line in their tracks.
Her mind clears as she thinks of the positive things in her life. She thinks of her best friend and their shared moments, of the people that love her and most importantly, her.
Anna reaches out to the mirror and with one finger, touches the muddled reflection. The image clears and is her once more.
Door installation
In our class we have been writing recounts about our holidays. We have been learning about the proper structure or a recount and sentence structures. My next steps would be to make it more interesting.
After these events I felt proud because I installed the deck door and satisfied when I freed Oreo twice.
On the last Saturday of the school holidays Dad and I put in the deck door. Our first step was to buy hinges and a lock from mitre 10. Once we got home Dad got the drill and I got a sharpie. It was now time for installation.
Our next step was to mark the holes for drilling so Dad held the hinges in the desired spot and I marked the dots. We now took the drill and drilled the holes. In the process we broke two drill bits.
We then held the hinges up to the holes and screwed them in. Seeming this was my first time I accidentally made a big scratch on the wood with the drill.
Later that day a kitten came around. Lauren named it Oreo because of how it’s coat was made up of black and white spots. Within the first minutes of it's arrival Dad chased it away. Of course it fled to the gap under the freshly installed door and climbed beneath the deck. I opened the door and set it free. Of course it did this again.
After these events I felt proud because I installed the deck door and satisfied when I freed Oreo twice.
Monday, 1 May 2017
Order of operations
WALT: recognise that the order of operations matters in real life situations. For maths we have been organising tasks into basic orders. We will then apply this to maths. I think this could be neater but the information is there and that is what counts.
Togan languages
In term one we have been learning about the Tongan language. This has been difficult for me because I could only get this information by remembrance and most of the learning has been things that are difficult to memorise. Further more the only language I can speak a full sentence in is English. My next steps would be to get the other people I was working with to contribute more instead of doing it by myself. This is basic pronunciation.
Thursday, 13 April 2017
Why soldiers risk their lives at war.
W.A.L.T describe how people risk their lives for others.
This week we had some Anzac activities to work through. We had to read certain texts and find our own to get the information from. I am very happy with this outcome. It took me a while and a went on to every link on the first page of google results to find this information. Next time I would add more in depth information.
This week we had some Anzac activities to work through. We had to read certain texts and find our own to get the information from. I am very happy with this outcome. It took me a while and a went on to every link on the first page of google results to find this information. Next time I would add more in depth information.
The Easter triduum
W.A.L.T Identify how the Easter triduum is celebrated in the church. As a class we have been working on a DLO about the Easter triduum. This was a little bit stressful to make but I got it finished and I am proud. Next time I would make it better looking.
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Animal soldiers
This week we have been creating DLO's based on the information in articles and videos about The 'ANZAC' troops. This news paper is about how animals were used in the war. You will have to zoom in to read it.
ANZAC puppy
W.A.L.T write a flash back from a different perspective and use show, not tell. This week we have been writing a flash back based on 'the Anzac puppy' picture book. We got to choose which perspective we will write from, Freda the dog, Sam the soldier or Lucy the girl. I chose to write from Sam's perspective. This was extremely enjoyable to create. Next time I would add more parts about Freda.
I will never forget that time spent in the trenches, the pain, the death, at least I wasn’t alone. I had Freda, my dog, my friend. I hear screams whilst bullets are flying above the trench. The thunderous roar of another explosion leaves ringing in my ears, burning debris being hurled at my fellow soldiers, my friends. I see many men fleeing and shrieking as bullets fly closer to them. The majority of the screams stop. I peek out of the trench, all I can see is fire and dead bodies. After all of this I am sure to have PTSD. If I get out alive.No I can’t think like that. I must be brave for Freda, I must get her home safely.
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